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The "Human Meat Project"

I audibly laughed when I saw this website's name and the tik-tok videos. A sudden sigh of relief swept over me, finally realizing mutton may no longer be part of mankind's menu! Oh, how the tides change for those that have transgressed against us.

Scanning through the website, you can see the creativity that went into gathering a list of donors, the process in which to become a donor, the benefits to the living, the informative labels to the cut of meat, and many other well-thought-out details. Lets review.

As one reads through this, the reader quickly finds that this website provides what they call "conceptual artwork" or something that will not be "acted out in real life." A quick sigh of relief can be taken now by the human readers.

They did a superb job informing us that one average-sized human could feed approximately forty people. Excellent reporting on the nutritional value of the meat. The meat donor card was great in assuring quick processing and freshness.

We sheep will stick to our strict herbivores' diet. The vegans may be correct, and the diet of insects and greens is the best choice.

On a more serious note, it is time to dive deeper into this topic.

One can surmise a few things that make this website surprisingly unusual and timely. Is mankind being conditioned for something like this to take place in the future?

  1. Eating bugs and insects

  2. The making of synthetic meats

  3. Closing food-producing farms

  4. Blaming cow farts for climate change (we sheep narrowly escaped this blame game, thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!)

  5. Climate change

  6. Deciding on what defines a man and a woman

  7. Pronouns used to describe what you might fictitiously be

  8. Men dressing as women in positions of higher authority, or in general, for that matter

  9. Becoming a furbaby describing yourself as a cat "pebble dropping" in a litter box

  10. Euthanizing your pets to reduce the carbon "pawprint" (sheep have hooves, we have escaped the carbon "pawprint")

Soon, we may find people identifying as a pork chop, steak, or can of soup. Coming to a supermarket near you!

The "Soylent Green" movie may have been onto something back in 1973. Ordinary people were being fed versions of the far more flavorful and nutritious Soylent Green. The Soylent Corporation provided this human meat to the poor living in squalor. The elite was most likely spared from eating human meat while consuming the finest meats. Alluding to overpopulation, pollution, and global warming by 2022 will cause water, housing, and worldwide food shortages.

Will humanity be saved by eating up the lower class first, or will the lower class be forced to feed on one of their own kind?

Will the poor, disabled, or no longer helpful to society people become food for the elite or fodder for the last living souls?

"Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor but because we cannot satisfy the rich!" - Anonymous Author.


While this blog is joining in the fun that the website "human-meat-project" is using for conceptual art, could there be some futuristic truth to this scheme? In short, it is precisely what we see as another fantasy of few, propaganda, or conspiracy theory.

Information Sources:

Human Meat Project

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