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Every culture has its own omens and superstitions. Some of them might be considered a bit too much or even crazy. Let's see what strange superstitions they have in Russia.

Russian Superstitions
Russian Superstitious

1. Keep Calm and Goblins

This superstition has, like most, pagan roots. In those days, they believed that a goblin lived in every house watching over it, and he absolutely hated if something or someone disappeared from under his management.

It was believed that if rushing off in a hurry, the goblin would follow you, the house would be left unattended, and trouble would surely happen. With the tradition of sitting down before leaving the house, our ancestors misled the goblin by making it seem like everything was in place and no one was going anywhere.

So, If you are going to leave somewhere, be sure to sit down and listen quietly for the goblin to give you some kind of sign of good nature. And at the same time, you can put your thoughts in order, calm down and tune in for a good day.

2. Mirror Mirror

What will happen if you return home for a forgotten thing? This superstition is also associated with spirits and goblins that inhabit your home. If you unexpectedly return home, you disturb their peace, and they might harm you.

To prevent this from happening, you need a protective ritual - stop for a moment before going out and look in the mirror. This will help to reset bad energy and bring harmony back to your "housekeepers".

3. Knock, Knock. Who is There?

This superstition also came from pagan times. Our ancestors believed that spirits lived in a tree, and people would turn to them for protection. But the modern tradition is now connected with the Christian era: touching the tree was identified with touching the cross on which Christ was crucified. Thus, by knocking on wood, we convey our bad thoughts.

It is necessary to knock three times; for many nations, the "three" is considered a magic number, and in Christianity, it is associated with the Holy Trinity. And, if we add "so as not to jinx it" to the knocking, it turns into a true spell against bad aura.

4. Black n White

It turns out that there are a lot of superstitions about these "unfortunate" animals, and not all of them bring misfortune after all. For example, if you have a black cat in the house, there will always be lovers. Or if a black cat sneezes near the bride, there will be happiness.

But of course, the most popular superstition is that a black cat that crosses the road will bring you misfortune for the whole day. Why a cat, and why black? Because it is likely that Slavic mythology connected evil spirits and witches with these animals and considered them to be an ominous symbol.

Although it is quite the opposite in England, where it is believed that white cats, in fact, bring misfortune.

5. Angry Birds

According to this superstition, a person whose head has been pooped on by a bird is the luckiest person alive. Such an omen means that a significant profit awaits them soon. The larger the bird's mark, the more luck, and success there will be in the future. If the stain is hard to clean, it is even better. This means that the success will be truly remarkable, and the monetary reward will be huge.

Let's say a bird has relieved itself on the right shoulder or sleeve; this promises a person quick profitability and an inheritance. Or luck may be associated with the unexpected finding of a purse with money or an expensive piece of jewelry. It is also possible to receive a bonus at work or a salary increase. If a person has a military rank, this may increase rank or career growth.

However, if a bird pooped on the left shoulder or sleeve, a loved one is dishonest, and you might not be so lucky after all.

As you can see, many superstitions are based not just on belief in spirits and goblins but on centuries-old observations, the experience of generations, and folk wisdom. And if you believe in these superstitions, don't worry because there is a ritual to prevent misfortune for each of them. Good Luck!



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