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About SheepleDipz

 If you ever injected truth into politics, you would have no politics - Will Rogers

We started Sheepledipz with the intent to share more information backed by research in the pursuit of finding more factual information. There are reasons to mislead Sheeples, governments, news agencies, and the like trying to push radical agendas. They can control people by managing their energy, food, and money. Dumb down education, and you can control the people. Turn people against one another, and you can control the people. Feed people misinformation; you can control the people.

It is in ALL our best interests to find and broadcast the truth. 

At Sheepledipz, we will discuss offensive topics and make you angry! Our team has diverse cultural experiences living in countries from America, Ghana, the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine. All of which have their internal problems and struggles. Living in these countries has taught us many things, and one of the best lessons is just how much we all have in common globally.

"When the truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie!" Yevgeny Yevtushenko - Russian Poet

"Когда истина заменяется молчанием, молчание становится ложью!" Евгений Евтушенко - Русский Поэт

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